Auxiliary programme


11:00 AM – Ceremonial opening of the 1st Czech-German exhibition in Prague, “Praga Piccola”.

Stage in front of the Czech Post stand

12:00 – Talk with MICHEL – new catalogues for collectors.

Michel stand 101

1.00 PM – Christening of a new book by Richard Jan HonsAtlas of our rocks.

1:30 PM –  Christening of the new bullion coin “Bohemian Lion” at the stand of the Czech Mint.

český lev

2.00PM – The Czech Post will present a new postage stamp, “Mauritius in Bohemia”, issued on the occasion of the 170th anniversary of the issue of the most famous stamp of the world, and a new Plzeň Zoo mini sheet from the “Protection of Nature: Zoological gardens II” series at the Sberatel / Collector fair.

The event will include an autograph session of its creators – Libuše and Jaromír Knotek and engraver Martin Srb. The Knoteks are also the authors of the “Coronation jewels” post stamp, which is one of the leading motifs of this year´s Sberatel / Collector fair promotional campaign.

Podium in front of the Czech Post stand



Knotkovi - aršík Ochrana přírody: Zoologické zahrady II.

3.00 PM – Presentation of a new Czech Post stamp with a motif of a historical gas lamp, commemorating the 170th anniversary of the public gas street lighting. 


3.30 PM – Graphic artist Roman Sedlák, the author of a mailing card with a nostalgic Art Deco style motif reminding of the 1920s, which is issued by the Czech Post on the occasion of the Praga Piccola Philatelic Exhibition, will christen and subsequently sign his work. A commemorative rubber stamp is available on the Czech Post stand.

Podium in front of the Czech Post stand

Praga Piccola dopisnice včetně známky pro web

razítko praga piccola

Sberatel celebrates 20th anniversary.

A commemorative rubber stamp is available on the Czech Post stand.

Příležitostné razítko 20 let veletrhu Sběratel



11:00 AM – Meeting of post-crossing fans.

1:30 – 3:30 PM – Geophila – a meeting of the club of collectors of stamp-issuing countries. If you are interested in this subject, the club´s members will be happy to have you among them.

Small conference hall, foyer

2.00 PM – The Sberatel / Collector fair will wish the happy seventieth birthday to actor Arnold Schwarzenegger!  The wish will be in the form of an official mailing card of the Czech Post with a motif of a “Terminator 2” poster. It will be sold at the Czech Post stand. Also available will be a commemorative rubber stamp issued on this occasion.

Podium in front of the Czech Post stand

Dopisnice Schwarzenegger 70 let

Příležitostné razítko Schwarzenegger 70 let

3.30PM – Karel Mařík, a long-standing exhibitor and partner of the Collector fair in the field of appraisals of minerals and gemstones, will present his Encyclopedia of Gemstones.


United Nations Day

A commemorative rubber stamp is available on the Czech Post stand.

Razítko Den OSN

Postcrossing again at the Sberatel

A commemorative rubber stamp is available on the Czech Post stand.

Příležitostné razítko Postcrossing

Saturday only!

The Vinyl & Stereo Expo event, which will take place on Saturday, September 9, in the lobby of the PVA EXPO exhibition site, is aimed at all collectors and fans of vinyl records. Exhibitors from the Czech Republic and other countries will offer hundreds of gramophone records of various genres from the whole world there. You can visit the Vinyl & Stereo Expo event free of charge.

Vinyl & Stereo Expo

Throughout the fair!

Praga Piccola – 1st Czech-German Philatelic Exhibition will accompany the Collector fair throughout both days. Exhibitors from the Czech Republic, Germany and Slovakia who will participate in it can qualify for the prestigious Praga 2018 World Philatelic Exhibition, which will take place in Prague between August 15 and 18, 2018.

Visitors will be able to see the rarest Czechoslovak post stamps the price of which is millions of CZK there. The so-called “50/50 postage stamp” alone costs more than a million Czechoslovak Korunas.

International Bond & Share Society, an international association of collectors of securities – stocks, bonds and various certificates (i.e. so-called scripophiles) – will stage an exhibition of stock certificates and other securities from more than a hundred countries at its stand.



Auxiliary programme 2016 here.







Sběratelské aukce

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  • Philatelia Mnichov

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  • Jarní veletrh Sběratel

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    21.03.2025 - 22.03.2025

    Praha, Česká republika
  • 18. brněnské sběratelské setkání

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    12.04.2025 - 12.04.2025

    Brno, Česká republika

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  • Soukromé muzeum historických rádií v Dolní Čermné

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  • Retroautomuzeum

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