Geoworld / Minerals and Gemstones fair coming up next week!

The new venue of the traditional event opening the mineralogical season and taking place on March 3 and 4 is the four-star Olympik Congress hotel […]

    An innovation at the Sberatel / Collector Fair! An afternoon solely for traders!

    The afternoon of Thursday, September 6, has been reserved for undisturbed negotiations and conclusion of major contracts during the 21st Sberatel / Collector International Fair. […]

      Meet us at the World Money Fair in Berlin and the Stampex in London!

      We will be happy to tell you everything you want to know about attending the Sberatel / Collector fair, but were afraid to ask. We […]

        An important message for traders in philatelic items: Only ten bookable stands at the Expo event accompanying the PRAGA 2018 World Exhibition of Post Stamps left!

        The only European exhibition held under the auspices of FIP this year will be hosted by Prague from August 15 to August 18, 2018. Two […]

          Traders in minerals and gemstones, take heed! The last chance to book sales counters at the Geoworld/Minerals and Gemstones event with a discount.

          Until the end of January, we will charge you only 49 EUR instead of 56 EUR per one meter of the counter. The Geoworld/Minerals and […]

            Allow us to invite you to our new event – the GEOSVET / PRAGUE GEM & MINERAL SHOW!

            The show will take place on March 3 and 4 in the Olympik Hotel in Prague, Czech Republic. The event is a follow-on of the […]

              An innovation at the Sberatel / Collector Fair! Be the first to do your shopping!

              The Sberatel / Collector fair opens to the public on Friday, September 7, at 10AM, but you can come and buy a day earlier! With […]

                All the best in the collector´s year 2018!

                It will really be an excellent year for all collectors who will have not one, but two reasons to come to Prague. During the holiday […]

                  Win a trip to Prague and a VIP ticket to the Sberatel / Collector fair!

                  Visit our stand at the MIF fair in Maastricht, the Netherlands, between December 8 and 10, answer a simple question, and the jackpot is yours […]

                    Taking Czech beer to Maastricht!

                    Do you want to come and sample the excellent Czech beer “Bakalář” brewed in the town of Rakovník, whose history dates back to 1450? Visit […]

                      VELETRHY SBĚRATEL






                      Sběratelské aukce

                      • Bohužel, žádné blížící se aukce nebyly nalezeny.

                      VYHLEDAT DALŠÍ AUKCE

                      Sběratelské akce

                      • Filatelistický veletrh Ulm

                        Největší akce zaměřená na filatelii v Německu.

                        24.10.2024 - 26.10.2024

                        Ulm, Německo

                      • vánoční veletrh Sběratel

                        Největší předvánoční setkání sběratelů známek, mincí, bankovek, pohlednic a dalšího sběratelství.

                        22.11.2024 - 23.11.2024

                        Praha , Česká republika

                      • Šperky a kameny

                        Veletrh zaměřený na autorské šperky, minerály, fosilie a věci pro vlastní tvoření.

                        30.11.2024 - 30.11.2024

                        Praha, Česká republika

                      • Celostátní sběratelské setkání v Hradci Králové

                        Velké setkání sběratelů všech oborů v KD Střelnice.

                        22.12.2024 - 22.12.2024

                        Hradec Králové, Česká republika

                      VYHLEDAT DALŠÍ AKCE

                      Tipy pro sběratele

                      VYHLEDAT DALŠÍ TIPY
