Neleží vám doma poklad? Nechte si zdarma ocenit své známky, mince, bankovky, akcie, drahé kameny nebo telefonní karty od nezávislých znalců na veletrhu Sběratel.
Opening the tap again in Bratislava! We cordially invite all collectors to our stand at the BZD fair in Bratislava. You can sample the top-of-the-class […]
Investor Prague Show – Register Early! Do you want to take part in the Investor Prague Show? Book the area in the exhibition room early, […]
The ALO Diamonds jeweler´s shop sold a diamond ring worth CZK 12 million, one of the most expensive rings ever sold in the Czech Republic. […]
A golden St. Wenceslas ten-ducat coined in 1937 has become the most expensive Czech coin. At an auction held in Prague, it was sold for […]
In a deal worth EUR 2.4 million (approx. CZK 65 million), an anonymous Czech collectors bought a letter with two Red Mauritius stamps, the so-called […]
The Investor Prague Show, an event focusing on collecting as an investment option, which will take place on September 7 in Prague´s International Hotel, reports […]
We invite all collectors to the Antique fair, which will take place from April 20 to April 23, 2017, in the New Town Hall in […]
The domain is going to launch a portal which will bring news from the world of collecting, a calendar of collecting-related events, tips for […]
Opening the tap again in Essen! We cordially invite all collectors to our stand at the Briefmarken Messe fair in Essen. You can sample the top-of-the-class Czech […]