Come and enjoy the magical atmosphere of Prague at the Sberatel Christmas Fair

Looking for a gift for a collector?  You can buy it at the Sberatel Christmas Fair! The largest pre-Christmas gathering of collectors of postage stamps, […]

    Tickets for the Christmas Sberatel Fair will also be valid for the Prague Antique Fair

    On the same date as the Christmas Sberatel Fair, the Antique Fair will take place in Prague (23-26 November). The largest sales show of antique […]

      Sberatel Fair expects record attendance this year, more exhibitors and visitors are coming to Prague

      The largest gathering of collectors in Central and Eastern Europe will be even bigger this year. 20% more exhibitors will come than in previous years, […]

        You can visit three fairs in Prague with one ticket!

        Alongside the Sberatel Fair, the Minerals and Gemstones Fair is taking place at the exhibition centre, and on Saturday 9 September, an event aimed at […]

          Where can you see all the James Bond stamps in one place? Only at this year’s Sberatel fair in Prague!

          Original stamps from all over the world with the theme of films starring Agent 007 will be available for a detailed look at the visitors […]

            Attention! Over 85% of the space at the Sberatel / Collector Fair In Prague fair has already been sold!

            The autumn trade fair Sberatel / Collector, which will take place from 8 to 9 September 2023 in Prague, reports that two months before the […]

              The stamp with the new Czech president almost sold out on the first day

              The newly elected Czech President Petr Pavel did not want to be on the stamp at all, given the new style of politics he wants […]

                Futuristic Tatra 603 on the official Czech coin

                The legend of automotive design Tatra 603 is a novelty in the series of silver commemorative coins issued by the Czech National Bank. The original […]

                  Registration for the Autumn Sberatel / Collector Fair is open. Make sure you get a space in the hall early!

                  The Autumn Sberatel / Collector Fair, which is attended by 230 exhibitors and over 10,000 visitors from all over the world every year, will take […]

                    Thursday will once again belong to the dealers at the autumn trade fair Sberatel / Collector

                    Dealers and eager collectors alike can visit the Autumn Sberatel / Collector Fair as early as Thursday, September 7, from 16:00 to 19:00, and on […]

                      VELETRHY SBĚRATEL






                      Sběratelské aukce

                      • Bohužel, žádné blížící se aukce nebyly nalezeny.

                      VYHLEDAT DALŠÍ AUKCE

                      Sběratelské akce

                      • Jarní veletrh Sběratel

                        Největší jarní setkání sběratelů všech oborů.

                        21.03.2025 - 22.03.2025

                        Praha, Česká republika

                      • 18. brněnské sběratelské setkání

                        Tradiční burza všech sběratelských oborů ve velkém sále veřejného ochránce práv, Údolní 39, Brno.

                        12.04.2025 - 12.04.2025

                        Brno, Česká republika

                      • Retro Garáž jaro

                        Veteránská burza spojená s aukcí.

                        26.04.2025 - 26.04.2025

                        Lysá nad Labem, Česká republika

                      • Veletrh Antique jaro

                        Největší domácí veletrh starožitností.

                        24.04.2025 - 27.04.2025

                        Praha, Česká republika

                      VYHLEDAT DALŠÍ AKCE

                      Tipy pro sběratele

                      VYHLEDAT DALŠÍ TIPY
