Enjoy the magical atmosphere of Christmas in Prague, the most beautiful city in the world!

And did you know that Prague is the most beautiful city in the world! This is according to the results of this year’s TimeOut magazine […]

    The Sberatel / Collector fair in Prague does take place and there are about 200 exhibitors looking forward to visitors!

    The largest meeting of collectors in Central and Eastern Europe will take place on September 10 and 11, 2021, in a modern hall on the […]

      A special ticket will let you in already on Thursday

      Both traders and impatient collectors can visit the fair already a day earlier, i.e. on Thursday, September 9, from 4PM to 7PM, and also on […]

        What is awaiting visitors from abroad who plan to visit the Sberatel / Collector fair in Prague this year?

        Prague is as beautiful and scenic as it was before the pandemic. But there is still much fewer tourists, which means that there is a […]

          The autumn “Sberatel / Collector” fair will take place on September 10 and 11, 2021! We are looking forward to meeting you in Prague!

          The COVID-19 pandemic situation has been rapidly improving in the Czech Republic, and restrictions applying to cultural events, exhibitions and fairs are therefore being lifted as […]

            The “Vinyl & Stereo Expo” fair will take place on September 11, 2021!

            The “Vinyl & Stereo Expo” fair is the largest autumn trading event focusing on vinyl records, CD, cassettes and musical memorabilia in the Czech Republic. […]

              The “Minerals and Gemstones” fair will take place on the PVA Expo Praha Exhibition Grounds on September 10 and 11

              The event will again be a part of the “Sberatel / Collector” international fair which will provide a stable number of customers to all participating […]

                Unfortunately, there will be no spring Sberatel / Collector fair

                We have been looking forward a lot to welcoming you in Prague at the springtime Sberatel / Collector fair (March 26 and 27) exactly one […]

                  We have opened an e-shop for collectors. Do you have any attractive articles we could offer there?

                  Our new e-shop, (for the time being in Czech only), is one of just a few Czech e-shops specializing only in collectors’ articles. We […]

                    How has the year with the pandemic affected the collectors’ market?

                    Profoundly, of course. In particular, it has shown how much collectors and the collectors’ market in general miss meetings, fairs and similar events. And the […]

                      VELETRHY SBĚRATEL






                      Sběratelské aukce

                      • Bohužel, žádné blížící se aukce nebyly nalezeny.

                      VYHLEDAT DALŠÍ AUKCE

                      Sběratelské akce

                      • Jarní veletrh Sběratel

                        Největší jarní setkání sběratelů všech oborů.

                        21.03.2025 - 22.03.2025

                        Praha, Česká republika

                      • 18. brněnské sběratelské setkání

                        Tradiční burza všech sběratelských oborů ve velkém sále veřejného ochránce práv, Údolní 39, Brno.

                        12.04.2025 - 12.04.2025

                        Brno, Česká republika

                      • Retro Garáž jaro

                        Veteránská burza spojená s aukcí.

                        26.04.2025 - 26.04.2025

                        Lysá nad Labem, Česká republika

                      • Veletrh Antique jaro

                        Největší domácí veletrh starožitností.

                        24.04.2025 - 27.04.2025

                        Praha, Česká republika

                      VYHLEDAT DALŠÍ AKCE

                      Tipy pro sběratele

                      • Národní technické muzeum

                        Největší technické sbírky v České republice pod jednou střechou.

                        Praha, Hlavní město Praha

                      • Poštovní muzeum

                        Muzeum se sbírkou poštovních známek.

                        Praha, Hlavní město Praha

                      • Muzeum Vysočiny Pelhřimov

                        Muzeum se zajímavou dramaturgií, na jehož webových stránkách si například můžete stáhnout zdarma knihu "Umění kýče", jež mapuje úspěšnou výstavu, která zde proběhla.

                        Pelhřimov , Vysočina

                      • Muzeum vah

                        Muzeum se sbírkou kuchyňských vah.

                        Humpolec, Vysočina

                      VYHLEDAT DALŠÍ TIPY
