We´re looking forward to sampling our tasty Bakalar beer with you, be it somewhere in Europe or at any of our fairs! In 2021, we […]
Since this autumn, we have the most expensive Czech banknote (a 1919 5,000 CZK banknote has been auctioned off for EUR 450,000), the most expensive […]
The historical building of the National Museum in Prague will host the long-awaited Biennale 2020, subtitled “Treasures of World Philately”, between December 16, 2020, and […]
Spring is coming! The Spring Sberatel / Collector Fair will take place from March 26 to 27, 2021 at the Olympik Hotel in Prague. Don’t […]
We have launched a new e-shop for collectors! You can find original gifts and collector’s material from all over the world at www.sberatelshop.cz.
Do you want to get admission to our events for free, receive a regular newsletter with news from the world of collecting and be the […]
Let us invite you to participate in the SBERATEL/ ANTIKVARIATfair, which is scheduled for November 28 – 29, 2020 at the Olympik Hotel in Prague. […]
The golden St. Wenceslas five-ducat from 1937 was minted in only four pieces and never appeared in any auction. It is expected that its final […]
The only large international meeting of collectors in Europe in 2020. This is the attribute which the 23rd Sberatel / Collector International Fair will hold […]
Amerika má vetřelce, Japonsko Godzilu a Češi Jožina z bažin! Nejslavnější československé monstrum bude mít nově také vlastní poštovní známku, jež bude mít premiéru na veletrhu Sběratel. Podívejte se na kompletní doprovodný program.