The “Sberatel / Collector” fair will take place in Prague on September 11 and 12, 2020, with face masks, but otherwise without any other restrictions. […]
This year too you can visit the “Sberatel / Collector” fair already in the afternoon (4PM to 7PM) on Thursday, i.e. one day before the […]
The 2nd Czech-German philatelic exhibition in Prague, Praga Piccola, is a part of the “Sberatel / Collector” fair and will be the first philatelic exhibition […]
This year too the “Sberatel / Collector” fair will be accompanied by two other events, namely the “Minerals and Gemstones” fair, which will have the […]
The international Sberatel / Collector fair, which is scheduled to take place on September 11 and 12, 2020 (with the afternoon of September 10 reserved […]
Mezinárodní veletrh Sběratel, který je plánován od 11. do 12. 9. 2020 (10. 9. – odpoledne pro obchodníky), tak bude první velkou sběratelskou akcí v Evropě po více než půl roce. Po tak dlouhém půstu není divu, že více 90 % tradičních vystavovatelů už nyní potvrdilo svoji účast a hlásí se řada nových.
Dear collectors, We are very sorry, but as the Czech government has been implementing increasingly harsher measures to suppress the coronavirus disease, the end of […]
The Sberatel fair’s own post stamp named “Join the community of collectors!” will have its grand debut during the spring events. The christening of the […]
The four-star Olympik Hotel will again host the spring Sberatel fair on March 27 and 28. However, it must be noted that it will expand […]
The Geosvět/Geoworld fair of minerals, gemstones, fossils, and artisanal jewellery will open its gates as aerly as in the mid of October, on Saturday 17th […]